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Bed of roses


Bed of roses means pleasant smile that brings in any home the bliss of an island retreat. Make a statement with Crazy Lazy Decor printed upholstery in your living room, bedroom, or lounge furniture.

Ikat cotton

Ikat blue, green and grey cotton lumbar decorative pillow.

Peacock Printed


Showcasing a pattern of hand-block printed peacocks around a fountain, this cushion captures the essence of Indian monsoons. The turquoise and sea green palette lends this cushion a very soothing appeal. The cotton fabric with the motif on the front and printed border along with multicolored piping adds the freshness of nature in any room. This piece brings the essence of monsoon from contemporary to traditional Canadian look.

Trio of Dahlias


Dahlia is referred to as “Queen of the Autumn Garden” Dahlias. With a beautiful and colorful motif showcasing a trio of dahlias, this cushion cover is an instant eye-catcher. The cotton fabric with the motif on the front and printed border along with multicolored piping adds freshness.

Spring floral


A cool white cotton backdrop and hand-block printed spring floral make this cushion an instant summer charmer. The white base with black and white border enhances the block print of this cushion. This piece brings the essence of summer from contemporary to traditional Canadian look.